I hereby announce a change of format to this year’s annual Boomtown Rap Awards. Traditionally served up in one big putrid pile, the Awards will this year be divided into 3 segments posted separately:
1. The Free-to-air TV Awards 2. The Movie Awards and 3. The Boomtown Rap Bitchfest
The Awards are still random, organised only according to personal whimsy. Still skewed to my areas of personal interest, and seasoned with wry wit (it’s my ferkn blog so I can say that) and a liberal sprinkling of vitriol. Still unfair, undisciplined and uncouth. And doubtless, still unrecognised and largely unread. Que sera sera. Your faithful scribe labours on regardless. Continue reading The Boomtown Rap Free-to-air TV Awards for 2011→
Here they are, late again, random and disorganised as ever. Don’t expect balance. Don’t expect fairness. Don’t expect decency. Do expect a wanton rant.
Expectations duly lowered or raised, as the case may be, let us proceed according to tradition by channeling The Small Faces’ Ogden’s Nutgone Flake album narrator, Stanley Unwin… Are you all sitting comftybold two square on your botties?? Then I’ll begin…
2010 Boomtown Rap Free-to-air TV Awards: The Bogeys
You know, don’t you, you mostly taciturn hordes of Boomtown Rap faithfuls, that my default position is to support the little guy in any stoush with management? Oh believe it. My experience of managers is almost entirely negative. They seem to me a loathsome breed in general: small on EQ, big on arrogance and self-regard, prone to blame-shifting, defensiveness and rationalisation while projecting these same flaws on to subordinate adversaries (and, by contrast, licking the arses of their superiors regardless of the shit that comes out of them)… I could go on, but you get the idea. Continue reading Jesus Kristy! $37 Million?→