I’m into movies, music, imbibing (fill in the gap), and…ah, that’ll do.
Movie reviewing is my main blogging interest, although I have posted on travel in SE Asia and food-related stuff (eg: home-baked artisan bread and pizza; backyard organic herb and vege gardening), and may do so again.
Ironically, my most visited and commented upon posts to date are one-offs:
- Avatar? My Arse!
- Installing Solar PV Panels – The Figures Don’t Add Up, BUT…
- Mulch – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
My initial blogging focus was on Perth and the way the place has changed as a result of the mining boom. See: Perth 2007 – More Brass Than Class and Dark Side Of The Boom. But now the boom has gone bust, the damage has been done, and I’m over it.
A few other things:
Just a quick word about the ethos of this site. I will speak my truth, and that’s what I expect of you, should you choose to comment on any of my posts. Nothing else has much of a point, does it? Be straight or be damned. If you’re into bland smiley coffee klatsch, this probably ain’t your place.
If you take issue with anything I post, lemme know – I welcome diversity of opinion.