
I’m into movies, music, imbibing (fill in the gap), and…ah, that’ll do.

Movie reviewing is my main blogging interest, although I have posted on travel in SE Asia and food-related stuff (eg: home-baked artisan bread and pizza; backyard organic herb and vege gardening), and may do so again.

Ironically, my most visited and commented upon posts to date are one-offs:

My initial blogging focus was on Perth and the way the place has changed as a result of the mining boom. See: Perth 2007 – More Brass Than Class and Dark Side Of The Boom. But now the boom has gone bust, the damage has been done, and I’m over it.

A few other things:

  • I’m a writer, having had short fiction published in various university literary journals, and feature articles in mags. During one weird stage I even wrote a satirical daily online stock market commentary under the pseudonym of “Smart Alec” until the site folded with the tech wreck of 2000. I’ve written screenplays, had none produced. That doesn’t necessarily mean they weren’t worthy (although maybe they weren’t) – you try getting a movie up as an unknown writer. And of course, there’s The Novel…
  • I’ve freelanced as a copy-editor for around 30 years: doctoral theses and academic papers are my bread and butter, but I have also edited plenty of business seminar presentations and promos, feature film screenplays, cut scenes for computer games…even a rock musical. If you’re after a writer or a copy-editor, ain’t fortuity grand? My copy-editing website is proofreadercentral.com.
  • In a past life I was a first-wave punk rocker, and followed a persistent call to songwriting for a long time after. Rock is my enduring musical love, but my taste is eclectic and there are not many genres that do not interest me.
  • Just a quick word about the ethos of this site. I will speak my truth, and that’s what I expect of you, should you choose to comment on any of my posts. Nothing else has much of a point, does it? Be straight or be damned. If you’re into bland smiley coffee klatsch, this probably ain’t your place.

    If you take issue with anything I post, lemme know – I welcome diversity of opinion.


    movie reviews + occasional other musings