Featuring: Jean Reno, Michael Youn, Julien Boisselier, Raphaëlle Agogué
Director: Daniel Cohen
Australian release date: June 14, 2012
Website: French website /English version
Review: rolanstein
Jacky (Michael Youn) is a food fanatic and self-taught cook aspiring to a career as a haute cuisine chef. He knows by heart a zillion recipes from his most revered celeb chefs and cookbooks, but this works against him. Whenever he cracks a gig at a restaurant he imposes his knowledge on seasoned kitchen pros and customers alike, and it is never long before he is shown the door. His pregnant wife (played by the gorgeous Raphaëlle Agogué) insists that he must find steady income and fast, so he settles for manual work at an aged care centre. Before long, however, he is neglecting his work and proselytising to the kitchen staff about improving their bland cuisine.
By happy accident, a famous Parisian chef, Alexandre Lagarde (Jean Reno), tastes one of Jacky’s soups, is impressed and offers him an unpaid internship at his acclaimed 3 star restaurant, ‘Cargo Lagarde’. Jacky is unable to resist such an offer, but avoids telling his wife. Not an easy deception to pull off, especially when he is obliged to join Alexandre on his TV cooking show. Oh what a tangled web we weave…! Continue reading Le Chef Movie Review