Coming back from a walk one evening recently, we had to jump out of the way of a 4WD (what else?) as the driver backed out of his driveway like a maniac.
It was bad enough that we had to take evasive action because this bozo didn’t even think to check whether the footpath behind him was clear. But not only did the prick not apologise – he glared and mouthed off at us before he roared off.
How I yearned to belt off after him and slag on his windscreen when he stopped at the corner to turn. And to have smacked his face around with open-handed relish if he’d gotten out to protest.
But alas, I’ve never been physically aggro. Besides, violence is ethically unsupportable as far as I’m concerned, except in self-defence, or in defence of some bully’s victim. But if I abhor violence in life, I certainly allow it a place in art.
Which brings me to my latest T-shirt design. Don’t say you’ve never felt like this:
© Ross Buncle 2007, All rights reserved
Not as good as stinging my right hand on that 4WD gobbler’s head, but not bad. It helped.
Down with 4WDs. And especially the arrogant arseholes that are so often behind the wheel.